Fosfix Plus

Why Fosfix Plus?

  • Increases amounts of available phosphorus in the soil by up to 40 kg/ha of the active ingredient;
  • Stimulates development and growth of plant root system;
  • Fosfix Plus enhances efficient assimilation of nutritive elements;
  • Promotes biological activity of soils;
  • Increases productivity of plants and quality of yields.

Operating principle:

Fosfix Plus bacteria exudate enzymes, which modify phosphorus compounds and phosphates (calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum) that are complex and difficult to absorb into forms available for plants. Bacteria also synthesize: thiamine, pyridoxine, biotin, pantothenic and nicotinic acids.



  • 20 L
  • 10 L
  • 5 L*
  • 1 L*
Minimum Order Quantity - 1T